Winged Gel Eyeliner
Hello everyone,
today we are going to learn how to create perfect winged gel eye liner and do not worry, it is not hard at all. This is an incredibly popular look that mystifies many! Our tutorial will help you step by step with it, you can learn tips how to do it in the most easy way and trust me once you started you will learn it quickly.
Have fun!
Starting Point
To make a precise eyeliner look, take approximately a pea-sized amount of our Cream Gel Liner with a fine eyeliner brush, or spatula. Warm-up briefly the creamy consistency on the back of your hand in stroking motions. First of all i will begin the eyeliner right in the middle od the eye so i can decide how thick the line will be. The texture of our Cream Gel Liner is very creamy so it is going really well and you can blend it easily. I will stop the line just in the outer corner because the cat look I will create with the open eyes.

Winged Eyeliner
I will tell my model to look up because than i can see the crease of the eyes. I want to create a beautiful winged eyeliner and like that i can see the end of the crease and make my referent point just beside. At this point you can decide how long your eyeliner should be. I tell my model to close her eyes and now i will connect the base line from the middle of the eye with the end of my referent line. I will fill everything with the gel liner. Pulling the eyelid a little will help you to fill the eye liner and like that we have really nice lines.

Inner Corner
Next i am applying the cream gel liner in the inner corner of the eye. When i work in the inner corner i always tell my model to look down and to look just to the side, like that is the eyelid a little bit more strait and for me it is more easy to create the line inside the corner. Before i am going one more time to overpaint the line, i will give my model some seconds to relax her eye.

Perfect Finish
Now we can see completely the winged eyeliner, it is a strait line going from inner to outer corner where you can decide the lenght. I was working with an angeled eye brush, as it is for me the easy way to creat winged eyeliner. To enhance the look it can safely be applied on the waterline. We are sure that you will love our Cream Gel Liner, it has everything you wanted for your perfect winged eye look!